Friday, July 9, 2010

5QF July 9th, 2010

Yay! I finally managed to get a 5QF in, I'm proud of me!

Join in with Mama M. for Friday fun!

1. What is one food you could eat everyday?
Hands down, peanut butter. I could live off the stuff if I had to. Love it!

2. Are you working in the career you thought you would be when you were 18?
Yes and no. When I was 18 I wanted to be getting married and have a kid or two by the time I was 21 or so. God obviously had other plans for me because Ross and I met when I was 19, but didn't get married until I was 24. I had my first baby when I was 26. So, in one way yes, because I have 2 beautiful daughters I can claim as my own and a wonderful husband to spend all my years with. No, because I'm not a full time stay at home mom just yet....maybe someday. 

3. What is something that you wish you would have done when you were younger and you didn't?
I wish I would have been more athletic than I was. Because I was home schooled, I didn't make an effort to get involved with town sports teams or being really physically active.  

4. What color are your kitchen walls?
Some wallpaper with chickens on it. Unfortunately, the kitchen will be the last remodel project for our house since they are the most expensive to redo. Still a few years away from any changes in there.

5. Do you remember what your very first favorite song was?
Tall, Tall Trees by Alan Jackson. 

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Yep Peanut butter hands down. I had peanut butter for dinner last night...seriously