Friday, June 25, 2010

The Juggling Act

Whew....where to begin???

I know that I've been MIA from the blog front, so I'm not sure where to start to get caught back up again.

First off, I am still reading blogs, just don't always have time to comment and haven't had time at all to sit down and post.

Second, kudos to the moms who work outside the home, take care of the house and family, and then still have time to blog about it! I haven't figured out how to juggle all this just yet now that I'm back to work.

I haven't had a moment to breathe since we got back from vacation, it's been non-stop ever since then.

My first day back was okay, the next three, not so much. Alexis cried, screamed and chased me to the car the rest of my first week back. It made it really tough to leave. I was glad to hear that as soon as I was gone she calmed down. She had a few meltdowns that first week and cried for me, but for the most part, her and Isabel did really great.

After that first day back, Alexis would constantly tell me, "Mommy, I want you to stay home with me, I don't want you to go to work." I would tell her, "Baby, Mommy has to go to work, but I'll be home again soon." So, she started switching it up, "Mommy, take me to work with you, I want to go with you." It's nice to be missed, but I feel really bad for her in this adjustment period. Isabel seems to be doing just fine with it all. She isn't taking breast milk really well while I'm gone, but I'm not too worried since she's almost 10 months old and she's eating tons of baby food.

I'm doing really well with the whole work thing. I've known that I was going to have to go back, so I've been prepared for it and I know that there isn't any other option for now. So, I try and make the most of it so I'm not miserable all day long. I miss them every day, but I'm confident they are being taken care of and it's a huge relief to know that they are here in our own home and not some place unfamiliar to them. I'm still hoping that Ross and I can get on opposite shifts and one of us will be able to be with them for the most part.

This is all I'm going to post for now, I've got to get busy and get things going for the day and start packing for Chicago this weekend! Not really Chicago itself, but near Chicago. We have a lot of family there and my Great Uncle Rich and Great Aunt Jan are celebrating 60 years of marriage and they are having a big bash at Mom's cousin Sheila's house this weekend. So excited to see all of them, I haven't seen them in 2 years.

Here's a picture of them dancing at our wedding 5 years ago:

I'm not going to make any promises about when my next post will be because I did that last week and didn't manage to get anything posted. I am going to do 5QF at some point today.

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