Monday, January 25, 2010

My First Not Me Monday


Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This is my first Not Me post. I'm going for a lot of firsts here lately, trying new things with my blog and life.

I did not let Alexis tear the house apart tonight while I cut and straightened the edges of the fleece blankets I'm making for her and Isabel...Not Me!

I did not put Isabel down for a nap the other day with a poopy diaper...Not Me!...really I didn't even realize, she's a sneaky pooper.

I did not one time put a bag of dirty diapers out on the front porch for the mongrel dogs that live around here to tear to shreds all over the yard and then let hubby clean it up...Not Me!

I did not let my daughter fall off the side of the chair tonight to teach her a lesson...Not Me!

1 comment:

Jaymee said...

Yeah on your 1st Not Me!!! I saw you stopped by and wanted to check your blog out!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE our so "not me" mommy ways: )